Garbh Sanskar helps in nurturing a healthy, intelligent, divine baby and promotes the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of a mother and baby. It is a process of selecting and transmitting positive influences by means of asanas, pranayama, chanting ragas, and shloka, praying, including Swaatvik ahaar, and cheerful behavior. Traditionally, it is believed and now scientifically proven that a baby’s brain development and personality is greatly influenced by the thoughts of the mother during pregnancy.
Program Features:
- Brief Introduction.
- Assessment of current health status.
- Asans and Dhyan yog.
- One Saatwik Ahar chart
- Spiritual Ragas and mantras for positivity.
- Feedback
Other Important Details:
- Mode of Service Delivery: Online (via chat, Whatsapp video call, telephone)
- No of Session: 1 (Valid for 1 day)
- Eligibility: Females who are pregnant and willing to have a healthy pregnancy.
- Note: Gynecologist recommendation is advisable before starting this exercise during Pregnancy.