alt_textBreastfeeding Tips for New Mothers | Momkidcare

    Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

    Blog by Aviral

    With all the preparations for your new baby, it’s easy to forget about the actual process of raising an infant. A big part of the post-birth life is breastfeeding! While it looks simple, it can be pretty tricky to get right!

    Instead of having to find what works for you with trial and error, you can quickly read through this handy blog post for a better idea and what’s to come and how you can handle it!

    Pre-Baby Preparation

    Before your baby comes, you can start preparing yourself for breastfeeding to come. While it may seem a bit premature, it gives you enough time to air out all your grievances and get your answers.

    Once you’re in the hospital and trying to breastfeed in the first hour after birth, you’re not likely to be in the headspace to listen to instructions and tips.

    ●      Consider a lactation consultant

    ●      Watch somebody breastfeed to get a better idea of how it’s done

    ●      Carve out a space for breastfeeding in your home.

    Make sure you have the following before you give birth:

    ●      Comfortable chair

    ●      A pillow for the chair

    ●      A side table

    ●      Nursing pads

    ●      Burp Cloths

    ●      Nursing clothes (anything that can give your baby easy access)

    Once the Baby Comes

    After giving birth and coming back home, you’re not going to have an army of nurses to help you breastfeed. That’s when these tips come to use.

    Have Your Partner Listen In

    In the hospital, have your partner listen to the nurses who are giving you tips. Partners haven’t been through a grueling birth, so they are more likely to process everything being said. So, when the time comes - they can help out!

    Focus on the Feet

    Make sure your baby’s feet are touching something. It can be your arm, a pillow, the arm of a chair, anything. It helps them feel more secure, and you’re more likely to get a good latch. If your baby is comfortable, you’re going to be satisfied.

    Avoid Unnecessary Formulas and Medication

    If it hasn’t been medically prescribed, avoid it. There is a large chance that some of the formulas can affect your milk supply. It’s a problem that you can easily avoid, so stick to what the doctors prescribe and don’t listen to anybody else.

    Don’t Count the Minutes

    Let your baby feed as long as they need to and how much ever they want to. Your baby knows what they need and how much they need. Forcefully trying to establish a routine of feeding is only going to starve your baby and cause unnecessary crying.

    Don’t wake your baby up to nurse, don’t pull them off when you think you’re done, and don’t try to start the bottle too early. It’s all about giving your baby what they need when they need it.


    If you’re stressed, the baby knows and will not latch on correctly, and that’s bound to hurt. The only way your baby will relax is if you do, which is why you need a separate space for yourself.

    Having a calm relaxing environment to breastfeed in is the best way to ensure that your baby is calm enough to feed.

    If the calming environment isn’t working, then try giving yourself a pep talk or taking a few minutes for yourself.

    Anticipate Your Baby’s Hunger

    You don’t have to wait for your baby to cry to figure out if they’re hungry. There are a couple of behaviours that can signal hunger, including:

    ●      Turning or raising their head repeatedly

    ●      Opening and closing their mouth

    ●      Sticking out their tongue

    ●      Sucking on whatever is nearby

    When this happens, you can quickly start to prep for nursing.

    Don’t Look at the Scale

    If your baby is doing okay, you don’t have to worry about how much your baby weighs. Several factors could contribute to your baby’s weight not being on the typical weight spectrum.

    If your baby is smiling and progressing as it should - stop worrying about the weight.

    Wrapping Up

    Breastfeeding is a natural part of life. However, problems crop up everywhere! It can be a tumultuous experience but having an expert by your side can make things easier.

    Read More : How Can a Lactation Specialist Help You?

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