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BEYOND THE BLUES: Postpartum Sign
Pregnancy adds new meaning to the life of a woman. It brings immense joy and excitement. The emotion attached to the feeling of carrying a little soul inside you is indefinable. It is a beautiful chapter in every women life, but not every woman shares the same feelings. Hormonal changes during pregnancy causes moods swings and make the women to feel anxious/sad or overwhelmed.
Pregnancy can be affected by a lot of things like physical symptoms such as morning sickness, change in weight, changes in shape of body, spouse and family support or any stressful event. It’s fine for the new expectant or mothers to feel stressed or anxious.
The birth of newborn stimulates a number of various strong emotions, leading from joy and excitement to stress and anxiety. It can even lead to depression which you might not be expecting.
Consult a doctor if you notice the following changes:
Timely intervention can be savior for a woman who feel any of these symptoms and can help the women with postpartum depression. A timely counselling and a fitness routine from an expert will enhance relaxation and promotes mental health being of women. An expert advice from the psychiatrist can be taken if medication is needed. Postpartum depression is not a fault in you. It just a complication of pregnancy. Managing symptoms on time will help you to get normal earlier and will also help you to make bond with your baby.
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