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Did you know that, at birth, a baby's brain comprises more than 100 billion neurons? Yes, that's true. However, here is a fact, the rule that goes with brain wiring is either to use it or lose it. Amazingly, you will be surprised to know that an infant's brain has more neural connections than an adult. So, when you start giving love and other language-enriched experiences to your infant, you are giving his brain more opportunities to explore. The experiences that you give to your baby in these early years help lay the brain’s foundation. So, as parents, it is your duty to help children and increase their smartness without stressing them out. There are several ways to do it such as toys, apps, and learning techniques. Don't get confused in deciding what might work best for advancing your child’s brain development, we will help you out. Read it!
Above mentioned are some of the techniques to boost the brain health of your child. If you are still struggling with the development of child's brain, consult a doctor.
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